Sturgeon Capital partner with IT Park, Uzbekistan
Oct 3, 2019

IT Park creates world class state-of-art environment for the development of innovation and competitive products & services in the field of information technologies, along with their promotion both to the domestic and global markets. It provides the innovation, culture and entrepreneurial atmosphere for the youth in Uzbekistan.
With both parties expressing a desire to cooperate and help develop technological ecosystems, start-up segments and venture financing in Uzbekistan, particularly in:
- developing a co-financing model and its process for identifying, evaluating and finalising on opportunities for investment in specific startup projects;
- financing or co-financing startup projects;
- formulating of financial instruments to reduce risk to stimulate the growth of private investment in the region;
- participating in programs and/or exchanging best venture financing initiatives and methods;
- advising foreign venture capital funds interested in the startup ecosystem and investing in Uzbekistan.